Patty the Pygmy Palm Has Perished

My puppy Rosie, digs, steals, rearranges, fleeces, and chews items. We just realized that she worked her way through the entire alphabet. I’m so proud of my girl. Follow along, kids.

  • A is for ACORNS that rained from the trees this wet winter. So many that she puked piles of them on occasion.
  • B is for BOTTLE. Ironically it is the bottle of “no chew spray” for puppies.
  • C is for the CHIVES plant leftover from my garden.
  • D is for the DROPPED puzzle pieces on the floor that appear as tasty snacks at my parent’s house.
  • E is for the EXTENSION CORD, no longer reachable for any four-legged friend or foe.
  • F is for the FENCING, the green, temporary variety installed to keep Rosie away from the already chomped pool equipment.
  • G is for GLASSES. My readers went missing. We found the half-chewed plastic remains, including a portion of the lenses. 
  • H is for my favorite Lake Girl HAT. I temporarily put it behind the back cushion of the couch, when I left the room. She broke a world record, taking 10-15 minutes to devour it. H is for HMMM too.
  • I is for ICE. We give it to her in hopes that the teething will subside.
  • J is for JASMINE, the Chilean, 5-gallon variety. It was in bloom last summer, with beautiful white flowers and Bob, the bumble bee, pollinating it. Rosie would run by grabbing a leaf mid-air, making us laugh. Today, while everything else is in bloom, this mammoth plant still hangs on to the trellis, dead as a doornail, while Rosie chooses a different branch she can pull from the root every morning.
  • K is for KLEPTOMANIAC. Why are we cataloging everything stolen and ruined? Not sure.
  • L is for the LIST I wrote for a Facetime call with my daughter. When I found it, Rosie had only eaten the parts of the paper with words on it. I then cursed her with getting paper cuts when she pooped.
  • M is for the MULTITUDE OF HOLES popping up throughout the yard. We’ve learned that putting poop in the hole stops her from digging. A side effect is it encourages her to start a new project right next to the old one.
  • N is for the NASTY remains of the drip system that was hanging out of her back end that I had to pull out with a paper towel. Oh, joy.
  • O is for the OUTDOOR PILLOWS, left untouched until we had guests over.
  • P is for PATTY THE PYGMY PALM. She had an uplight shining on her at night. The better for my puppy to chew on her 24 hours a day. Patty and the wiring for the light have both perished. Should I mention that P is also for PUKE? She frequently does that.
  • Q is for QUIETLY knawing on the leg of the dining room table while I was on a conference call. 
  • R is for ROCKS. The hand-painted kind that I so precisely crafted and placed in my garden. Alternative: R is for the REBAR mysteriously left over and found from pool construction eight years ago.
  • S is for SOCKS — An extreme assortment of appetizers, always from a different pair.
  • T is for TENNIS BALLS. You’d think that retrieving said ball would be the object. No, chewing off its fuzz is way better.
  • U is for the UMPTEENTH time I’ve said, “Drop it, leave it,” or asked, “What are you chewing on?”
  • V is for VACATION PLANT FEEDERS. These are glass, brightly colored, and perfect for curious puppies to hold in their mouths not so delicately. Bonus points if you pretend it’s a game.
  • W is for WATERGUN — the styrofoam pool weapon found in a pile of leaves and dirt.
  • X is for my husband’s name if he suggests we get another puppy.
  • Y is for YIPPEE. This murderous alphabet is almost complete.
  • Z is for ZOOMIES after getting away with said robbery, nibbling, and undoing.

I’d say THE END, but I am afraid there is no end in sight. I literally and figuratively can’t see the end. Remember, Rosie ate my glasses.

More in Parenting

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