Why Sarcasm

Sarcasm doesn’t have to be negative!

The voice I use in writing and speaking is predominantly sarcastic. Sarcasm is often viewed in a negative light as it can be taken as satire and as a means to ridicule or taunt a person. Dictionary.com defines it this way. However, the way in which it is applied does make a difference. Using sarcasm as a negative means of communication is not my intent. I intend to use sarcasm to convey irony and/or to bring a little humor to everyday situations. In my mind, sarcasm = wit. Wit Shorty just didn’t work for a title either.

Some sarcastic statements made in our house:

Generation X: “I can’t wait until my funeral, other than my wedding, this will be the only time that all of my friends will be gathered in one place.”

Parenting: “I am so proud of you. The way that you are arguing why you need more x-box time tells me you’ve made your career choice and you want to be a litigation attorney. You’ll be good at it.”

Life Balance: “I’ve eaten nothing but salads the past two days. Today, I am sitting on the couch in my pajamas and doing nothing. It’s all about balance I tell you.”

Before we leave the sarcasm topic, let me state that you may see some shifts in voice from time to time when a subject warrants it.

So what’s with the “shorty” in Sarcastic Shorty?

The title of this site is meant to be ironic. I am short in stature but have a lot to say. That said, entries may or may not be long! For more about me click here.


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