It’s a pity guys can’t multitask

Have you ever heard the notion that the male species isn’t as good at multitasking as us superior ladies? For those that aren’t familiar with this elusive term, multitasking is the art of conducting many different duties at once. We see simple juggling of tasks when a person walks and texts at the same time. Professional multitaskers can cook several different courses for a meal at the same time. Imagine that! They can also balance different projects in the workplace on a given day.

Tedious research has shown that men’s and women’s brains are hard-wired differently. Multiple studies have shown women can more easily work on many tasks at once, and men can more efficiently complete a single task. Blah, blah, blah. Not sure I believe any of this.

Just in case

I have a 12-year-old boy whose brain is supposedly hard-wired to complete a solitary chore. So, I’ve set out to raise a young man who can multitask like no other. Multitasking training will set him apart in life. Your welcome, kid.

Four exercises you can do from your own home, for raising a multitasking little dude.

Tickle them while they text on their phone.
This simple action is distracting but will aid him in learning to complete his intended task of texting while also defending himself against said tickler. For those boys who take part in sports, this will help them when playing offense and simultaneously fending off the opposing team.

Ask them math problems during an Xbox session.
This practice requires the boy in question must like math and possess a sense of humor. He should also be willing to answer the math problem in the first place. If your boy is competitive, success is inevitable if you bet them they can’t get the question right.

Belt out a song while they are “reading.”
It’s starting to sound like I want to annoy my son for pure entertainment. Correct. Let’s remember I am helping him out too. For his future, people. Singing a song is all the more annoying when said singer, like me, can’t carry a tune. This exercise will set my boy up for having to endure two, maybe three less than favorite projects at once.

Tell them a joke while they are brushing their teeth.
They will need to ignore said joke until brushing is complete, or they’ll choke. This simple exercise will build your child’s ability to shut out background noise when they are angelically studying in the library. Or, it will allow them to finish a task while their boss is telling them to start on the next big assignment.

I keep telling myself; my son will thank me for all the torture I am putting him through. But, let’s face it. I am having a fantastic time. You should believe that too.


More inĀ Parenting

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