My dog is a splendid reincarnation of a mobster

My sweet puppy has lived several lives in the past. We see the signs on a daily basis. While I am unsure of the order in which these beings manifested themselves on this earth, I am sure she’s appeared in the form of four other entities at one point or another. Herein lies the proof:

A former mafiosa of the kindest order

My dog likely used to hang with a crew and consort with questionable individuals. She wasn’t a violent gangster. Of that, I am sure. In fact, “she’s all right. She’s a goodfella.” She swears allegiance to our pack and when needed, offers protection. We’ve accused our pupster of stealing (food) but she has escaped prosecution. She tends to exercise sovereignty over her territory. More clues are the hours she keeps. When everyone else is out of bed in the morning, she acts as if she’s been out all night, and will sleep-in. The most prominent signal of her past, is the fact that she always needs to sit in a corner, having full-view of everyone who is coming and going. While she likely was a mafiosa, it is clear she was not the mob boss. The alpha female holds that position in her pack (me).

A one time domesticated Felis Catus

Another suggestion of the past are her catlike attributes. This canine does not bark. Neither do cats. She doesn’t come when called, and well, she’s quite good at ignoring us when she wants to. She has yet to enter a building by climbing to a second story. She has tried to get up on the counter in cat burglar fashion to investigate dinner. Of course, there are the prototypical feline features of soft hair, short snout, and nails. Check, check, and check. The last purr-fect example of her history is that this Labrador does not like rain. She does not care for swimming or water of any kind unless it is to drink. Mic drop.

An in demand therapist

She is a young pup, with an old soul. Her calming influence is why it is definite that she worked as a psychologist as well. Many a time, family members have sat with our girl and spilled their problems. She has a knack for being a great listener, and instead of speaking, comforts with her presence, and occasional sighs. Unequivocal evidence points to her counseling sessions. She ALWAYS leaves the couch to her patients, and instead sits nearby, waiting for us to talk. I’d say she was well paid and in high demand in her past. Today she fosters positive mental health and personal growth for everyone she meets.

A not so defunct nun

Her most important calling has been as a nun. This dog of ours is unique. She has devoted herself to a higher being in the past. Sisters promise to live a life of poverty, celibacy, and obedience to God. It is clear this mutt comes by these vows easily as she still owns nothing, and is still ahem, celibate. MOST of the time she is obedient to her higher being as well.

A popular bullfighter?

I recently had a déjà vu with my dog where she was a famous bullfighter, and I, an excited spectator. But, I am unclear whether this actually happened.

I’m sure there’s more. The observation stage is still in its infancy.

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